Gain insights with gym reporting and analytics software.
One-click gym management dashboard to generate customized reports for meaningful fitness business intelligence.
Centralized gym management dashboard
Access advanced analytics across locations and customer segments via a centralized dashboard. Take the guesswork out of business decisions and get real value from your data to boost engagement and retention.

Access to smarter location analysis
Get instant access to one or all of your location metrics. View by customer segments, regions, franchise territories or any custom grouping to support resource allocation across multiple locations.

Simpler visual reporting
Customize inputs and run visual reports for at-a-glance snapshots of performance, attendance and other member metrics. Create reports your entire team can understand and act on.

Data is vital in terms of decision making for a business like Vive Active. One of the key things we look for in technology is how robust and flexible the data sets are and the systems that support them.

Andrew Forster, COO
Digital content suite
Member management